Easy invoice app Taxon™ ⚓✋

Get the PDF in 20 seconds!
Taxon™ is an app dedicated to modern entrepreneurs who treasure their time and don’t want to waste it on paperwork – especially since these days it can be done online. How much time you’ll save? It’s best to express it in figures: 4 clicks– that’s all it takes to issue an invoice!?
Are you still not sure if you really need a quick and easy software for issuing invoices? Are you wondering if our tool will work for your company? Check out the advantages of our invoice app – trust us – there are plenty of them.?
Here are all the “pros” of choosing Taxon™ — they concern activities that every entrepreneur encounters on a daily basis. Naturally, you can choose a different path. But remember that our path — with a simple online invoicing software — is the quickest and most convenient.
Are you looking for a simple invoicing software? Good choice🎯
Entrepreneur, you have our respect Conducting a business activity requires imagination and courage. It’s obvious that you want to receive money for your goods or services as soon as possible.
Let us help you with that. With the Taxon app, you will issue an invoice via the mobile app. You don’t need to search for hidden options or wonder how to issue an invoice properly and send it to your customer.
Simply enter the data, the amount and you’re done! Only 4 clicks and the invoice is issued. More that 50,000 entrepreneurs have already installed Taxon invoice app.

All kinds
of invoices
The application allows to issue all types of invoices. We support the following invoices: VAT invoice, VAT exempt invoice, non-VAT invoice, margin VAT invoice, advance payment invoice, correcting invoice, pro-forma invoice, split payment invoice, reverse charge. We believe that those are the types of invoices that you encounter.
Generating invoice
in PDF
After issuing the invoice, you can download the e-invoice in the popular PDF format. It is possible to select multiple invoices and download them in one file.
Possibility of correcting an invoice
Mistakes can occur during invoicing, e.g. an incorrect unit price of goods/services. There’s no need to worry if you’ll notice a mistake in an issued invoice. Taxon allows you to generate a correction invoice with which you can correct any mistakes and save yourself potential problems with government officials.
Send invoice
via e-mail
There’s no need to download the invoice and send it via e-mail. With Taxon you can send the invoice to the customer directly from the app. You can also send an invoice to several persons with just one click.